We are located in Central Indiana. Where we are devoted to the well being of the Akita and Dachshund breeds.
I (Angie) grew up with Akita as our family pets and show dogs. This is when the love for the breed started for me. In 1991 my parents divorce and my mother was unable to keep showing. Unfortunately we had to place most of our dogs, after that I always said I would have an Akita again.
In 2001 I meet Jake then we added our first Akita "Kasey" in the fall of 2002. Kasey brought so much joy into our life. After having Kasey for 2 years we decided to add a male to our family. That is when I got my first show dog Cade "Cas Cadeance". Thank you to Cindy Smith for blessing us with my big boy. Cade was 13 months old when we brought him home. I took him to some shows but unfortunately he didn't like to show so he was retired from the ring. Cade and Kasey blessed us with our first litter, which gave us Tig.
Tig was an awesome dog to show!! We made a good team. All done as breeder/ owner / handler Tig received 12 AKC champion points with 1 major. We learned so much together over the short time we were able to spend together. Tig got sick and was unable to finish his championship. This just broke our hearts. In 2009 we had to say good bye to our sweet boy.
In 2008 Paula and Brian Lane of Valiant Akita's intrusted us with one of their awesome pups. Lenny is a very special boy to us. Lenny went to the 2009 ACA Nationals where he was in the ribbons all week. Then at the 2010 ACA Pre-Nationals Lenny went winners dog for a 5 pt major!!! He was 1st in Sweepstakes and BOS Jr Maturity at our Akita Nationals. The next show Lenny went to after the Nationals he received is Championship!! Making this our first Champion. I big thanks to all the judges that helped this happen and to Paula and Brian for blessing us with Lenny!! Lenny then went on to receiving his Grand Championship and making it into the Top 20 in 2012.
Jake and I started our family with fur kids first. Then in 2009 we were blessed with our healthy handsome son!! Then in 2012 Isabelle was born. Making our family complete at 4!
Jake and his father run a small farm were we farm grain, hay and cattle. We live on about 250 acres. where the dogs get to enjoy running through our 30 acre pasture. I am a Massage Therapist but with being a full time mom and farm wife I have decided to stay at.
Thank you for taking the time to meet our family! I hope you enjoy our site. We are very excited about would our future holds. We have added a bitch from Shiojiri Akitas in 2012. She has brought so much to our kennel. Thank you Marcie Howard for our awesome girl.
A big Thanks to those that have helped me grow over the years. My mentors Kathy Sulivan of Sunshine Akitas, Paula Lane of Valiant Akitas, Marcie Howard of Shiojiri Akitas and Priscilla McCune of Kuroi Kao Akitas.